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Home visits are available for regular patients whose condition prevents them from attending the surgery; however, these visits are circumstantial and must be organised and approved by the Doctor prior to each visit. They may also see patients at a nursing home.

Messages will be taken by reception and forwarded to the doctor during normal surgery hours. The doctor may return the call at a time convenient to them. Please call an ambulance if the call is regarding an emergency on 000.

Patients can contact the practice via email: Messages are checked by admin staff and forwarded to the appropriate clinical for action.

Management of personal health information

Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information   to ensure that this information is only available to authorised staff members, unless authorised by yourself or parent/guardian. Please see website for more information

Nursing staff can upload a health summary onto E health at your request. Information available at reception.


Please telephone 3348 9000 or book online for an appointment. Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred time. Standard consultations run for 10 -15 minutes or longer consultation times are available upon request at the time of booking.

We do our best to run on time, unfortunately there will be times when you may experience a wait due to Doctors tending to urgent or complex medical issues, as well as the training of Registrars. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.

If you or a family member requires an interpreter service, please advise us when booking your appointment so we can arrange this. The interpreting service we use is the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) 13 14 50

The National Relay Service (NRS) is available for people with hearing difficulties on 1800 254 649.


After hours healthcare services are provided by 247 Doctors Service, you can contact them by phoning 1800 247. In the event of an emergency, please dial 000 for Ambulance services.


Wynnum Medical Centre is a modern, well-equipped surgery that offers high quality medical care including:

● Skin cancer diagnosis and treatments including surgeries

● Iron infusions

● Ear microsuctioning

● Joint steroid injections

● Women’s/Men’s Health

● Men’s Health

● Child/Adolescent Health

● Baby Clinics -Immunisations/-Growth, development & feeding

● Insurance/Employment Medicals/ Work cover

● Health Checks/assessments

● Driving medicals (commercial driving medicals)

● Travel Vaccines/Other Immunisations,

● Mental Health Consultations

● Dietitian, Podiatry and Psychologist services

● Dentistry

● Pathology


To protect your privacy, test results are not given over the phone. Please make an appointment to discuss results with your doctor.

Our practice abides by a recall policy that ensures you will be contacted when the practice has received results or information that needs to be discussed with you. This is conducted in the manner of an SMS message, a phone call, followed by an email and one letter. A further registered letter will be sent (if all previous methods are unsuccessful) and the recall is for a serious health matter.


Our surgery is a mixed billing practice.

Our doctors have individual billing policies. More information on these fees can be obtained from our friendly staff.


At Wynnum Medical Centre we are committed to your continued health and wellbeing. We may issue you with a reminder offering preventative health services appropriate to your care. If you prefer not to receive these reminders, please advise our reception staff.

Copy Right ©2020 by Wynnum Medical Center

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